How to lose 7 kg in 7 days without risk to health

The result of losing weight in a week - minus 7 kg

How to lose 7 kg in a week? This question is quite popular, because sometimes you need to return the form in just a few weeks. To solve the problem of overweight it is often necessary with the help of diets. Each diet has its own characteristics and subtleties. , but there are also general rules that are equally appropriate for the period of weight loss.

It is quite difficult to lose literally 1 kg per day, so only those people who do not have problems with the work of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, as well as do not suffer from chronic diseases, can follow such a diet. Sudden weight loss can adversely affect the functioning of the whole organism. A person may feel general weakness, malaise, nausea, headache etc. Therefore, before going on a strict diet, you need to understand the seriousness of your decision. The ideal option would be a preliminary visit to a general practitioner or nutritionist. If there are any hidden or chronic diseases, then during the period of weight loss theycan increase.

If you do not have any health issues, losing excess weight is not only possible, but necessary. To do this, you need to choose the type of diet that best suits you. You must choose your gastronomic preferences. That is, if you do not like dairy products, you should not stop on a protein diet or a mono-diet on kefir. These food options can provoke breakdowns in just a few days, causingEven more weight will increase.

girl lost weight in a week

General rules for losing weight while on a diet

Rule number 1. We drink water!

Whatever diet you choose, do not forget about a sufficient intake of plain water. You need to drink water in small sips throughout the day. If you will play sports during the diet, you will need to increase the amount of water you drink during training. For, if a workout lasts 1 hour, then during this time you need to drink at least 0. 5-1 liters of water. With physical activity, the outflow of fluid from the body increases, so the need to useThe amount needed to be replenished. Dehydration can make you feel dizzy, nauseous and weak.

It is permissible to drink only plain and pure water. You should not give preference to carbonated water, it only stimulates appetite and promotes the accumulation of fat cells due to the presence of carbon dioxide. In addition, soda from teeth and bonesRemoves calcium.

Increase your water intake to lose weight

It is better to drink filtered or boiled water. You need to drink at least 1. 5 liters of water per day. It is very simple to calculate the individual amount of water you need to drink per day. To do this, your weightMultiply by 0. 03 in kilograms. This coefficient was not chosen by chance, only 30 ml of water per 1 kg of the human body. So that the cells in the body do not lack fluid, it must be replenished on time throughout the dayIn addition, water helps to speed up the metabolism. It also promotes the breakdown of fats in the tissues.

It is worth noting that before 4 pm you need to drink the total amount of water for the whole day. You can also drink a glass of water before bedtime, as it helps to thin the blood.

It is recommended to start every morning with a slice of lemon juice and a piece of ginger in 200 ml of warm water. This morning drink will help you feel up and get back to work quickly. Also, during the period of the diet. During pregnancy, the body experiences a lack of vitamins and minerals, so it needs to be replenished with fresh fruits and vegetables. Lemon juice will help increase the amount of vitamin C in the body, and ginger helps with organic acids and antioxidants. Will fight with extra weight.

The main rule to lose weight in a week is to drink water

Water intake should be regular and mandatory during a strict diet. At first, you may not want to drink, but you need to force yourself and accustom yourself to drinking water. Over time, the body gets used to this diet. And you will feel much better and easier. Even after the end of the diet it is not worth stopping the intake of this amount of water. Drinking water is the main rule for losing weight.

Rule number 2. Adding vitamins to your diet

Since the diet is quite short during the diet, it needs to be replenished with vitamins and trace elements. It is better to choose a vitamin complex together with a nutritionist. He should prescribe the right vitamins for you. So it is better to firstGet a general body exam done by the doctor.

In the process of losing weight on a diet, you need to take vitamins

It happens that when taking vitamins, a person, on the contrary, feels unwell or weak. This is due to the fact that the amount of some vitamins in the body was sufficient, and because of taking the pills, their amount exceeded the norm.

Vegetables, fruits and vegetables are essential foods in the diet for weight loss.

To prevent such a condition, depending on the diet, you need to include fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits in your diet. Vitamin intake is a must. You can also increase the vitamin intake with the help of vitamin and oxygen cocktail.

Rule number 3. We eat often, but in small portions

To make it easier for the stomach to digest food, it should come in small amounts. Portion sizes should be small, especially if a protein or Kremlin diet is chosen. The entire allotted amount of food should be divided in equal proportions so that the dayDuring this it is possible to eat at intervals of 2-3 hours.

Small portion size of food consumed for weight loss

At the same time, it is better to have fruits in the first part of the day and protein-rich food in the second part. Fresh vegetables and fruits should be part of the total diet.

Rule number 4. Forget about fried foods!

During the period of the diet, it is very important to reduce the consumption of fried foods, so it is better to steam, stew in its own juice, bake in the oven, grill or bake in foil. The less heat the product is subjected to treatment, The more vitamins you will retain.

Rule number 5. Reduce salt intake!

If you want to lose 7 kg in a week, you need to work hard in terms of reducing salt intake. Salt is able to retain fluid in the body, so losing extra pounds will be more difficult.

Salt intake should be reduced while dieting.

During the diet, it is better to completely exclude salt from the menu. It may well be replaced with fresh herbs, spices, spices without salt, sauces and marinades, aromatic herbs, etc. The main thing is to choose the right ingredients for dishes. For example, a sauce made from lemon juice, mustard and dried herbs is great for marinating meat. For cooking fish it is better that natural yogurtTake and add lemon juice, sprigs of rosemary and oregano to it. Add sweets, for example, spices such as cardamom, vanilla, cinnamon are suitable for cottage cheese casseroles. To soften the taste of casseroles, they should be mixed with sour cream sauceSeasoning can be done. To do this, it is best to buy sour cream with a minimum percentage of fat content.

Olive oil instead of sunflower oil to reduce fat cells

Instead of sunflower oil, olive oil can be added to dishes and pickles. It is this type of oil that helps reduce fat cells. You can use balsamic vinegar, citrus juices, natural fat-free yogurt to make saladsYou can also use linseed, sesame etc.

Rule number 6. Let's start the metabolism!

To quickly remove excess weight, you need to establish a daily routine as clearly as possible. To do this, eat at the same time every day, go to bed and play sports. Hot spices and seasoningsIt will also help in speeding up the metabolism.

These foods help digestion, so food does not stay in the body for a long time. Such spices will help speed up the process of splitting fats: ginger, cayenne, chili peppers. Scientists have noticed that grapefruit excessFights weight perfectly. A glass of grapefruit juice should be drunk at least once a day so that excess fat does not accumulate in the form of cellulite. From vegetables, celery perfectly accelerates metabolic processes and removes excess weightfights with.

Rule number 7. You can eat after 18 o'clock

During a strict diet, you can eat at any time, as soon as you feel hungry. But the last meal should not be 2-3 hours before bedtime. It is best to make the evening meal as low-calorie as possible. During the period, it can be 1 apple or lettuce.

Psychological hunger should not be confused with physical hunger. " The concept of "psychological" hunger refers to the feeling when you only want to eat something, despite the fact that the last meal was 30–50 minutes ago. When you need to eat somethingIt is better to drink a glass of water if there is a desire. Of course, we are not talking about the standard snacks that should be had during the day.

Psychological appetite is recommended to satisfy a healthy fruit.

"Physical" hunger occurs as a result of a calorie deficit. During the diet period, many people feel hungry, although this feeling should not occur during this period. The appearance of hunger is the first sign that you have chosen the wrong diet, orThe intake of acceptable foods is greatly reduced.

Rule number 8. Do not forget about physical activity!

Do not forget about an active lifestyle. The more we move, the faster metabolic processes occur in organs and systems. Even with the most rigorous diet, devoting 20-30 minutes a day to sportsNecessary.

Exercising daily will help you lose weight in a week

This can be either a simple exercise or a full workout. It is best to focus on cardio loads, which are designed to fight excess weight. These can be: jumping rope, twisting hula hoop, running, Cycling, active dancing, swimming, playing basketball, volleyball, etc.

Protein diet for a week

This type of diet is designed to lose 5-7 kg per week. It is often used by show business stars. Unlike other methods, during this period there is practically no feeling of hunger. But this diet has a significant disadvantage - the absence of carbohydrates and fats in the diet. Prolonged absence of these elements can lead to increased hair loss and fading, delamination of nail plates and dryness of the skin. Experiencing such dietary deficienciesIn order not to, you need to additionally drink vitamin complexes, which include organic acids and fat-soluble vitamins.

Protein Foods for Fast Weight Loss in 7 Days

The protein diet is one of the most diverse with regard to the choice of products. Also, this diet has no restrictions on the amount of food consumed. It is allowed to eat only as much as the body needs. Can be attributed to the most effective diets, because the result achieved lasts a very long time. After leaving this diet, the sudden return of excess weight will not occur.

To reduce the harm of this diet on the body, you need to consume fresh vegetables and fruits. These contain a lot of fiber, vitamins, amino acids and trace elements.

For women, you need to remember that during the period of a protein diet, you cannot reduce your caloric intake to less than 1300 kcal per day. This is the minimum that every woman should have. For men, This figure is quite high - 1800 kcal.

It is worth noting that you can not sit on a protein diet for more than 1 week. If you eat a protein diet for a long time, you may have inflammation of the kidneys, the appearance of stones and sand in the kidneys.

What do we eat during a protein diet?

The arsenal of products included in this diet period is quite wide and varied. Therefore, dishes can be prepared for every taste.

Dairy products, fish, meat, nuts and eggs - a diet of protein diet

During the period of a protein diet, it is allowed to use:

  • white meat (rabbit, chicken, turkey),
  • veal and beef,
  • offal,
  • seafood,
  • sea and sea fish,
  • low-fat fermented milk products (cheese, yogurt, curdled milk, sourdough, kefir, tofu cottage cheese),
  • cereals (except semolina),
  • whole grain bread (no more than 2 slices per day),
  • fresh vegetables (various types of cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, celery),
  • Green Apple,
  • sour berries,
  • citrus,
  • nuts and seeds,
  • Tea and coffee without sugar.

During this period, you can eat only 30 grams of fat per day. It is better to use vegetable oils such as olive oil, linseed or sesame.

menu for the week


  • Breakfast – Toast with two chicken slices and tomato, herbal tea
  • Second breakfast - 1 apple
  • Lunch - buckwheat soup
  • Snack – Paneer with fruits
  • Dinner - vegetable salad, a glass of kefir


  • Breakfast – Fruit mix, a glass of yogurt
  • Second breakfast - chicken salad with tofu and vegetables, seasoned with soy sauce
  • Lunch - boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad, 1 slice of bread
  • Snack - Paneer Paneer Pulao
  • Dinner - a glass of kefir, 1 apple


  • Breakfast - Oatmeal with fruit
  • Second breakfast - 1 grape
  • Lunch - steam fish cutlets, buckwheat porridge
  • Snack - 1 glass curd
  • Dinner - fruit salad, 1 glass of kefir


  • Breakfast – Scrambled eggs, coffee without sugar
  • Second breakfast - whole grain toast with cooked chicken and vegetables
  • Lunch – Vegetable Stew with Steamed Chicken
  • Breakfast – Herbal tea, 1 apple
  • Dinner – Spicy steamed turkey with brown rice, 1 cup kefir


  • Breakfast - cottage cheese mass with fruit, green tea
  • Second Breakfast - Apple and Carrot Salad
  • Lunch - borscht, vegetable salad, 1 steamed cutlet
  • Snack - a glass of yogurt,
  • Dinner - Baked perch fillet with vegetables, herbal tea


  • Breakfast - 2 boiled eggs, vegetable salad
  • Second breakfast - fruit
  • Lunch – Baked Chicken Roll with Vegetables, Oatmeal Porridge
  • Snack - a glass of sourdough, 1 slice of whole grain bread
  • Dinner - Beef stew with vegetables, tea


  • Breakfast - porridge with kefir
  • Second breakfast - 1 apple
  • Lunch - stewed chicken liver with tomatoes and bell pepper, buckwheat porridge
  • Snack - cottage cheese with berries
  • Dinner - 1 glass of kefir, boiled fish

Protein diet is a reliable way to lose excess weight in the shortest possible time. The main thing is to follow the indicated tips and recommendations. If there is a slight deterioration in health, stop the diet and consult a doctor. take


  1. "Extra weight tormented me for a long time, maybe 10 years I endured all the "attractions" of my appearance. I had a big stomach, sides and thick thighs. All this "helped" me to get a bunch of complexesHelps with which I struggled for a very long time. A protein diet helped me break myself. With her help, I started to lose 5 kg per week. I was on this diet for 2 weeks. Then I took a break of 2-3 months. For a year of such nutrition with and without diets, I managed to lose 25 kg of excess weight. The main task was to save the result. But I, myTo my surprise, persevered and switched to a healthy diet as a result. Now I try to maintain my normal weight, do not eat fried and sugary food. Now I eat sweets and cookies with marshmallows, black bitters chocolate (from 2 slices)no more), oatmeal cookies. I cook oatmeal cookies myself without adding sugar and flour. I just grind oatmeal, add 1 egg, vanilla sugar and dried fruits.
    I consider a protein diet to be one of the best ways to fight fat. The main thing is not to "go too far" and give your body the opportunity to work in normal mode without dieting. You must by all means maintain your healthneeds to be maintained and strengthened. "
  2. "I had to deal with the concept of" diet "in my university years, when I began to gain weight dramatically. Due to malnutrition, with a height of 165 cm, at the end of the first year of study, I weighed 80 kg. I felt this situation did not suit me at all and I decided to lose weight. At first I lost weight on buckwheat diet, because at that time I did not have money to buy some expensive products. My effortsThe result was - minus 5 kg, but it was not enough for me. When I came home in the summer, it became easier to deal with excess weight, because there was an abundance of products at home. I sat on the Kremlin diet, which at that timeWas very popular. For a week I was able to lose up to 7 kg. The whole purpose of that diet was to eat only protein foods. Mom helped me in every possible way in my difficult business, so I was not overweight in the summer. Of course, now I understand that I have done the wrong thing, that I can especially undermine my health. But, perhaps, that phase of my life is for me. A was necessary. Now I strictly watch what I eat.
  3. "I needed to lose 10 kg before going to Turkey for vacation. I set this goal for myself a month before the holidays. At first I tried to sit on a buckwheat and kefir diet. To be honestSo the feeling of hunger did not let me go even when I ate this boiled cereal 5 times a day. This is probably not my way of losing weight. My friend advised me to go on Dukan Diet. I found this methodLiked it because you can eat different protein foods. The main problem was finding oat bran. I had to order them online but it was worth it. The result won me over. I for about 2 weeksDukan was on a diet, but somehow I did not feel it. I did not experience terrible hunger during this time, so this diet is mine. Now, when the extra weight periodically takes hold of me, I try to lose weightI use this particular method. Sitting myself and starving is not for me. Also, during the period of the buckwheat and kefir diet, I could easily loosen up, because I felt likeWanted valid food. It was especially difficult for me without chocolate. Even during my mono-diets, I was very nervous and angry, and during the Dukan diet, I feel normal and calm. The main thingIt is important that you find your own diet, which is effective and affordable. ,